
World map of the fantasy world of Acquia

Acquia (ah-kee-uh) is the setting for the third D&D campaign that I have run in what I’m now calling the Gatestone universe—it’s like the MCU but with a much smaller budget and no VFX. We have left behind the world of Oerth, where the first two campaigns took place. Now we are on the planet of Acquia, on the same Material Plane but far, far away from Oerth. I commissioned the map above from the excellent cartographer L’Arpenteur of DBCartography (Reddit: /u/DharmaBluesFR and Etsy: Arpenteur).

The PDF below is the Acquia Player’s Guide, a setting guide that I wrote for my players. It takes heavy inspiration from both official and third-party content for D&D. This fan content will only ever be used for personal use, though I get personal satisfaction out of modeling the book’s layout after the familiar format for official D&D books.